26: Trade, War, and China with Brendan Cooley

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Hosted by
Will Jarvis

In this episode, we discuss trade, war and China with Brendan Cooley. Brendan is a Senior Data Scientist at Big League Advance. He recently finished his Ph.D. in Politics at Princeton. In this wide-ranging discussion, we cover the different schools of international relations theory, building ideal trade policy, and just how likely a great power shooting war is in the 21st century. You can check out more of Brendan’s work at http://brendancooley.com/.

Show notes:

  1. William Williams, Tragedy of American Diplomacy
  2. Albert Hirschman, National Power and the Structure of Foreign Trade: 
  3. Thomas Schelling, Strategy of Conflict
  4. A few good China shock papers:
    1. https://sites.google.com/site/lorenzocaliendo/research/cdp?authuser=0
    2. https://www.waugheconomics.com/uploads/2/2/5/6/22563786/waugh_consumption.pdf
    3. https://www.nber.org/papers/w21906
  5. Congressional voting on China, trade and foreign policy
  6. The Wisconsin School

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